Re: [Banshee-List] Problem with compilation albums

2009/10/13 Keith Curtis <keithcu gmail com>:
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Alexander Kojevnikov
> <alexander kojevnikov com> wrote:
>> 2009/10/13 Keith Curtis <keithcu gmail com>:
>> > I don't understand why is that necessary. When the albums have the same
>> > name, why can't the album browser group them together?
>> Because different artist can have albums with the same name, you don't
>> wan't to group them. See bgo#570889 [1]
> There are also cases of different artists with the same name, so I can just
> imagine how you might propose to fix that! :-)

No need for sarcasm, I'm trying to help.

If you read the bug I referenced you will see that just grouping
everything by album name will break things. As I said, any ideas are
welcome, I may even try to code them as it appears to be a recurring

> I've been ripping CDs for more than a decade now, and the songs have the
> track, artist, and album set and that ought to be enough.

The other bug I mentioned [1] once fixed will solve the problem for new rips.


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