Re: [Banshee-List] Problem with compilation albums

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 5:04 PM, Alexander Kojevnikov <alexander kojevnikov com> wrote:
2009/10/13 Keith Curtis <keithcu gmail com>:
> I don't understand why is that necessary. When the albums have the same
> name, why can't the album browser group them together?

Because different artist can have albums with the same name, you don't
wan't to group them. See bgo#570889 [1]

There are also cases of different artists with the same name, so I can just imagine how you might propose to fix that! :-)

So it appears that there are going to be problems either way. But I believe you have the wrong default. I suspect there are many more cases of users with compilation albums than cases where users are going to have albums with the same name but by different artists. The vast majority of CDs made by a DJ or in the electronic music genre (music made by those things called computers) have this problem.

Another problem is that there are many DJ albums have multiple CDs and this should also be handled. (Here is a link to a classic example: In this case, the metadata isn't always correct, which is where the CD directory heuristic could come into play.

If someone proposes a way to handle this that doesn't break properly
tagged files, I may implement it (see for example bgo#595820 [2]). In
the meantime, fix your metadata before you import the files.

I may try and run this tool but I disagree that my metadata is "broken". I've been ripping CDs for more than a decade now, and the songs have the track, artist, and album set and that ought to be enough.


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