Re: Some thoughts on the new message parts UI (long!)

Am 2003.08.23 15:47 schrieb(en) Albrecht Dreß:
> Am 22.08.03 18:37 schrieb(en) Steffen Klemer:
>> I proposed this to simplify the whole thing for not that advanced 
>> users.  So the experts have the tree on the 2nd tab and everybody else 
>> has the  real content (images, patches, programs) and not multipart/
>> alternative  or the gpg-container. In case of an attached msg just the 
>> text with  headers and all the relevant attachments.
> O.k., got your point... What do you think about three additional radio  
> buttons in the "view" menu (don't nail me down on the labels, please...):
> ( ) message texts only
> ( ) inlined attachments
> ( ) all attachments
> The first option would produce what we have now (only headers, message  
> texts and signature infos). The second would additionally show all  
> attachments with "inline" disposition mode, and the third would show  
> everything.
> Comments?

Or that way... :)
I thought more of something like

Like I said perhaps even with MIME-icons

>> Perhaps with a little bit more thoughts it can ease the use of Balsa  
>> much. (not everybody likes to know the whole msg-structure and 
>> overlooks  the important attachments...)
>> And it's fast for the dayly use (a mail from my grandpa has pictures 
>> but  not gpg-sig, no attached msg and and and ;)
> That's correct... After reading all those rfc's (and trying to 
> understand  their contents), you'll get a differnt view :-/



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