Re: Some thoughts on the new message parts UI (long!)

Am 2003.08.21 12:48 schrieb(en) Carlos Morgado:
> On 2003.08.21 11:39:43 +0100 Steffen Klemer wrote:
>> Or you could even put the whole tree on the rigth side?
> the tree can be quite long. remeber, people sometime do receive pictures.

There could even be a scrollbar, couldn't it?

That are just some thoughts, I will make a picture later this day :)

But I like the other idea more with tabs for each attachment the tree on 
the 2nd tab rigth after "content".

Is it possible with gtk2 that the number of tabs is not hardcoded and the 
content of a tab is generated on the fly when switching to it?

Then tabs on the rigth side should be the best solution (or better: a 
config-option for right, left, top or bottom tabs ;)

Just a thought because there is much wasted room on the right side of my 


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