Re: Error in configure for Balsa 1.1.5

Ah. That makes sense. Thank you, I'll give it a try. 

A question, though: how can I tell what libraries a program is linking to?
ie. How would I know which libraries are redundant and which programs are
using them. I'm hesitant to start mucking with dynamic libraries lest I do
some serious damage.

Thanks again.


On 2001.06.16 18:05:47 -0500 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> On 2001.06.17 00:55:10 +0200 Steve Cayford wrote:
> > > depends... it looks to me that some functions are refering to an
> older
> > > GLIBC version or werent recompiled for current glibc. thats how it
> looks
> > > like for me.. may i know what glibc you are using and what glibc you
> have
> > > used to compile a) the old libpspell and b) the new one. it really
> > > matters
> > > you probably need to recompile the old and new pspell with the
> current
> > > glibc version..
> > 
> > I installed RedHat 7.0 originally which included libpspell
> pre-compiled. It
> > also
> > included glibc 2.2, and I added libc 5 to run WordPerfect. I also find
> a
> > directory /usr/i386-glib21-linux with glibc 2.1.3 which must have been
> > included for backwards compatibility or something.
> and heres the problem now..
> e.g. your old libpspell is compiled against glibc 2.1.3 then now
> you want to compile BALSA with glibc 2.2 and want to link against
> a library that was compiled against 2.1.3 then the compiler usually
> starts complaining.. i really recommend you get the libpspell source
> deinstall the old binary package and recompile pspell with glibc 2.2
> theres usually no matching interface between 2.1.3 <-> 2.2.x because
> there were many changes from 2.1.x to 2.2.x and exactly this is the
> problem you are having now.. please also make sure you dont have
> old redundand libraries and programms running around your system these
> often cause such problems..
> -- 
> Name....: Ali Akcaagac
> Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
> E-Mail..:
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