Re: dnd of message changes mailbox

On 2001.08.18 22:11 Len Philpot wrote:
> That's not what I said - I said I was running into library VERSION
> problems, with one (new) lib setting of a chain reaction of required
> version dependencies. eg., I'd install lib x and it needed the next
> version of lib y. I (try to) install lib y and it needs the new version
> of lib z, ad nauseum. At one point, I had downloaded 11 packages to
> satisfy dependencies and still wasn't there yet, so I just got tired and
> stopped after a while.

That's what you get when you use packaged modules, like RPMs. They will
almost always require at least the library version installed on the
packager's system.
So, if you compile from source and maybe make a few symlinks to make
autoconf happy, you will get by with way less libs to update.
I also didn't want to attack anyone, but I believe that copying code should
be avoided when possible. Code is an evolving thing and copied code tends to
not get updated once it works. If that code is UI related, that may mean
non-standard controls that confuse people. Different isn't better, it's,
well, just different. Sometime it's worse.
Look at Windows - many apps try to be different to the point of unusability.


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