Re: PATCH: Compose Coordinates

Le 2001.08.18 19:21:05 +0200, Ali Akcaagac a écrit :
> patch -p0 < balsa-coordinates.patch

Just a precision about patch :
My personnal opinion is that patch should be made outside (not in balsa) of
the source : The +++ line should start with balsa/.
The main reason is that this is the common way to do it.
Because generally you have two trees, a clean one project-vanilla and a
working one project. You work on the second one and then cd .. to generate
the patch 
	'patch ... poject-vanilla/ project/ > my.patch'
Then others apply your patch with -p1 in their working directory, this
ensure that the name of the directory is not a problem.

Moreover generating patches with the base directory clearly indicates which
files are patched. Otherwise people will send patch which should be applied
in the libbalsa directory, other .... .This is ever possible to use these
patches but more work are required because you need to figure out where
they should be applied.

btw IMHO this is the common.
I can tell you that all linux kernel patches contain lines like '+++
linux-XXX/' and are applied with -p1 in /usr/src/linux/.

Personnaly I use a script to duplicate cvs content in another directory,
applied all patches found in a given directory,  ..., and finally generate
a debian packages.
So with a classic patch, to test it, I only need to copy it in my patches
With your patches I need to regenerate it and it's a waste of time. It's
not critical but ...

Christophe ...  

Christophe Barbé <>
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