Re: Shared call-for-participants & Proposal


In the proposal, I see the expected participants are 1000, that's a big number. Do you have any expectation who will be those 1000 people ? How many are GNOME developers,how many GNOME users? How many are from open source community, how many are students. From our experience in Beijing, there were 300 people attend this summit, about 50 people are core GNOME developers and contributors, 100 people are from open source community and companies, about 150 people are students. So I would like to know who will be those 1000 people for the 2nd summit?

I think it is easy to over-estimate the size of these sorts of events.
When we first started planning the first GNOME.Asia Summit in Beijing,
the organizers thought it would be "as large as GUADEC" and we therefore
initially planned for a 3-day event.

However, as reality set in, the event was scaled back to a 2-day event
which I think was more appropriate for the number of people who actually attended. The GNOME.Asia Summit in Beijing was a great success, it just
was not quite as large as people thought it would be initially.


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