Re: [anjuta-list] Couple of problems with Anjuta

Hi Igor,

Le 27/02/2016 19:36, Igor Korot a écrit :
From test/src/
     $(WX_CXXFLAGS) \
     -DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(localedir)"\" \
     -DPACKAGE_SRC_DIR=\""$(srcdir)"\" \

      -Wall \
      -g \

The variable WX_CXXFLAGS and WX_CPPFLAGS are set by the WxWidgets project templates,they should be enough to compile your project with the installed version of WxWidgets without needing to change any property.

bin_PROGRAMS = dbhandler

test_SOURCES =  \
     doc.cpp \

test_LDADD = \

This is strange. If you try to make a program named test, bin_PROGRAMS should be equal to test and not dbhandler. If you want to create a program name test you should change the value of bin_PROGRAMS.

Then, test should appear as a target in the project tree pane and it's on this object that you can set the compiler flags.

From ~/test/

SUBDIRS = src po

This makefile is not really useful because it just call sub makefile in src and po directory, it doesn't built anything itself. That's why setting the right variables here doesn't help.

Hopefully this will help with fixing the wxWidgets template in Anjuta.

For the moment, I don't see the link. In Anjuta, you use 3 independents stuff:

* The WxWidgets template: It's used to create the initial files including the build files. Basically, it just add a target using WX_CXXFLAGS and WX_CPPFLAGS. The goal is that it compiles with an installed version of WxWidget without any change. If it's not the case, don't hesitate to propose some changes.

* The build plugin: It creates different build configuration and run make in the corresponding directory.

* The project plugin: It is responsible for updating the and when the user add new files or change properties in the GUI.

Under all that, you have the auto tools which are responsible for generating the Makefile from the

When there is a problem, it's important to know which part is not working.



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