Re: [anjuta-devel] Why still keep Scintilla support?

On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 07:48:12PM +0200, Sébastien Granjoux wrote:
Scintilla can highlight project symbol (already defined functions by
example). I don't know if it's possible with GtkSourceView, Anjuta doesn't
do it at least. But I don't see any important advantage of Scintilla
compared to GtkSourceView.

No, GtkSourceView doesn't do that. It should be feasible externally, by
scanning the text buffer to extract the symbols (or use ctags or
whatever), and then apply a GtkSourceStyle to the symbols.

But is it really useful? With features like completion or displaying
diagnostic errors in the margin (with gnome-code-assistance), if there
is a typo in a function name, you'll see it with other means than syntax

One principle for the syntax highlighting in GtkSourceView is to not be
as colorful as possible. It is not a competition for having more than 20
different colors. So project symbols in black is fine I think.


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