Re: [anjuta-devel] Dconf and GSettings


I have modified some other debug-manager, run, scintilla and scratchbox plugin moving the setting in org.gnome.anjuta.plugins._plugin_name_. But I haven't committed them yet because I'm not sure it's the best solution.

In fact, currently most of the settings are already grouped by plugin, we have by example org.gnome.anjuta.document-manager and org.gnome.anjuta.cpp.

I have planned three changes:

1. Change the path to be the same than the schema id.

2. Move all plugins in org.gnome.anjuta.plugins having by example org.gnome.anjuta.plugins.cpp and org.gnome.anjuta.plugins.document-manager.

3. Remove the common prefix of most key name, by example rename docman-fold-visible to just fold-visible and so on.

I think the first change is really useful. Then I'm less sure for the changes 2 and 3. I think it's better but I'm not sure it worths breaking user settings even if there are not very important. What do you think?



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