Re: [xslt] key() in match pattern of xsl:key

On 2005-12-11 05:29:25 -0500, Daniel Veillard wrote:
>   I'm gonna be frank. XSLT-1.0 does not fit your need. You want to sort
> node set and do maths with it ? Use XPath from a high level *programming
> language* instead of trying to divert somthing XSLT was not designed for !

Well, in a theoretical point of view, XSLT is a programming language.
It is just not designed to be efficient. However it has the nice
property of not allowing side effects, as in real functional languages,
and it also has a nice syntax (IMHO) to mix with generated XML.

But couldn't extensions like exslt (which libxslt can be linked with)
be an alternative solution?

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent vinc17 org> - Web: <>
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