On 2007-10-13, Nathaniel Smith <njs pobox com> wrote:
> Umm, Tuomo, wtf.  AFAICT in regards to _EFFECT vs. override-redirect,
> you're arguing *against* having clients provide fine-grained
> information to the WM

Forced fine-grained information adds complexity, and isn't needed in
this case. But the EWMH folks -- well, all of FDO really -- have never
cared about such things. EWMH and FDO shit (XEmbed is another example)
is all about highly WIMPshit-specific fine-grained information from 
WIMPshit apps to WIMPshit WMs, with little regard for abstraction 
and simplicity. 

The model I propose, where override-redirect windows are not messed
with by the compositing manager unless additional information is
available, is precisely one where the information at the highest 
level is abstract, but more fine-grained hints may be provided.
But what the folks here want is that apps must always provide 
the high-specific EWMH information for the CM to not arbitrarily
mess with their override-redirect windows. 

(Override-redirect should be the exact opposite of managed windows:
managers don't mess with them, whereas they're free to do what they
want with managed windows -- an extremely wise decision in the ICCCM,
one that probably wouldn't be made to day -- no, they Windows-inspired
kids would just let apps manage their own windows. Many programs do 
indeed fight against this user-friendly (sic) policy these days, 
thinking they should manage their windows, and yet don't make them
override-redirects. Of course, override-redirect should not be used
to simply write your application-specific WM.)


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