Re: [Vala] Just a news I've read about popularity langage

Am 21.07.2016 um 14:54 schrieb Felipe Lavratti <felipelav gmail com>:

This is nice. What could be done to push vala further in adoption?

Bug fixes – there’s a ton of open issues since years, especially those
who lead Vala to generate C code that then fails to compile.

And possibly a revamped core to make it more easy to contribute
(at least that’s what I had perceived some years ago).

Vala had great adoption and potential between 2008 and 2013,
partly because some big projects and also companies had been investing in it,
one of the more notable ones being Nokia. When Microsoft killed
bought Nokia in 2013 and made them pull completely out of
funding a lot of open source projects, things went stale in Vala-land.

The feeling that I have is that these days Vala is not going anywhere.
Yes, there are people working on it, but it looks like the big „momentum“
is gone – I guess the same goes for many of the g-projects which Vala
is also very close associated with.


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