Re: [Vala] Vala and GLib license

The main sentence I'm pointing is:

*You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
this License. *
Also about PS4:

   - *WebKit *-
   - *Cairo *-
   - *Mono VM* -
   - *FFmpeg *-

*LGPL and FFmpeg FAQ* - states:

   1. Compile FFmpeg *without* "--enable-gpl" and *without*
   2. Use dynamic linking (on windows, this means linking to dlls) for
   linking with FFmpeg libraries.
   3. Distribute the source code of FFmpeg, no matter if you modified it or
   4. Make sure the source code corresponds exactly to the library binaries
   you are distributing.
   5. Run the command "git diff > changes.diff" in the root directory of
   the FFmpeg source code to create a file with only the changes.
   6. Explain how you compiled FFmpeg, for example the configure line, in a
   text file added to the root directory of the source code.
   7. Use tarball or a zip file for distributing the source code.
   8. Host the FFmpeg source code on the same webserver as the binary you
   are distributing.
   9. Add "This software uses code of <a href=>FFmpeg</a>
   licensed under the <a href=>LGPLv2.1</a> and
   its source can be downloaded <a href=link_to_your_sources>here</a>" to
   every page in your website where there is a download link to your
   10. Mention "This software uses libraries from the FFmpeg project under
   the LGPLv2.1" in your program "about box".
   11. Mention in your EULA that your program uses FFmpeg under the
   12. If your EULA claims ownership over the code, you have to *explicitly*
   mention that you do not own FFmpeg, and where the relevant owners can be
   13. Remove any prohibition of reverse engineering from your EULA.
   14. Apply the same changes to all translations of your EULA.
   15. Do not misspell FFmpeg (two capitals F and lowercase "mpeg").
   16. Do not rename FFmpeg dlls to some obfuscated name, but adding a
   suffix or prefix is fine (renaming "avcodec.dll" to "MyProgDec.dll" is not
   fine, but to "avcodec-MyProg.dll" is).
   17. Go through all the items again for any LGPL external library you
   compiled into FFmpeg (for example LAME).
   18. Make sure your program is not using any GPL libraries (notably

And here is what *Microsoft Application Provider Agreement* which include
XBox states:

5) *APP REQUIREMENTS.* Each App you submit to Microsoft for distribution
through the Store must meet the following requirements:

d. *FOSS Software.* If your App includes FOSS, (i) you are responsible for
compliance with all applicable FOSS license terms, including any source
code availability requirements, and (ii) it must not cause any non-FOSS
Microsoft software to become subject to the terms of any FOSS license.
*EA WebKit*:

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 6:04 PM, pelzflorian (Florian Pelz) <
pelzflorian pelzflorian de> wrote:

On 07/12/2016 04:28 PM, Aleksandr Palamar wrote:
Yes, of course those platforms have DRM. But GLib, GObject and GIO are
available under LGPL 2.1, which states:

*10.* Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions
the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not
responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.

I suppose it is still you who violates the license, but suppose it is
Sony/Microsoft because they redistribute your software on their store.
Then Sony/Microsoft would most certainly not want to be liable and
remove your software just like Apple does now.

(I’m not sure if there really is such DRM, but I suspect it.)

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