Re: [Vala] Final / Sealed classes in Vala

Arto Karppinen wrote:
I still think that these kind of problems can be avoided in Vala code by
carefully selecting what and when to virtualize.

Once again to take the example of Gee. We needed to provide default behaviour for add_all, remove_all, retain_all, ... methods, but wanted concrete implementations to be able to override the default behavior to optimize it for their concrete implementation. This is what is doing ArrayList for add_all for instance.

Even so we do not want people to sub-class ArrayList (or any other concrete implementation).

Now, tell me how you would enable the same amount of code reuse without sacrificing performance by "carefully selecting what and when to virtualize" ? I'm open to hear any opinions/ideas/advices.

I'm sorry if i was unclear.

No problem.

Best regards, Didier.

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