[Vala] Final / Sealed classes in Vala

Is it possible to define both in VAPIs and in a vala code a class which
can not be extended?

I mean something like "final" does for Java and "sealed" for C#...

I think they could be useful for grouping static methods in "virtual
classes" (I mean in a class which name has not a reference in a C
type/structure, but that has just been written for organizing similar
methods) without the risk of methods overriding or of extending a
"virtual" class that has been defined in a VAPI but that is not
available in the relative C code.

For example:

public final class Utility {
        public static void my_method();

or in VAPI:

public abstract final MyOwnType {
        public static void c_referenced_method1();
        public static void c_referenced_method2();

I hope you got the idea... :P

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