On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 18:40:04 +0200, Didier 'Ptitjes' <ptitjes free fr> wrote:
For instance you may have an abstract class A that defines some methods as virtual, a child class B that re-implements some of the virtual methods of A and that wish the sub-classing to be blocked at its level, because subclasses would break its behavior by miss-overriding the virtuals.
Something I don't get here... The whole point of subclassing, is to make something old, do something new. Isn't that like calling any developer that might be looking at extending your class, an idiot? I'd have thought making sure virtuals aren't miss-overridden, is the responsibility of proper documentation. Does anyone have a concrete example of where this sort of thing is actually appropriate, just for the sake of blocking sub-classing? -- Fredderic Debian/unstable (LC#384816) on i686 2.6.30-1-686 2009 (up 2 days, 21:48)
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