Re: [Vala] Hi, Is Vala what I am looking for?

Jiří Zárevúcky wrote:
On 09/21/2009 10:52 PM, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" wrote:
Of course, what I'm talking about is about adding one more user choice,
not "removal of Mono" like the subject of the original thread is named
(especially if you consider that I work for Novell on some Mono class
libraries ;) ). At last, what you could say is "removal of Mono runtime"
if we want to refer to this topic.




You can't compile C# code with what Vala uses. It just wouldn't work.
Ever. C# code is *designed* to work under GC and by replacing Mono with
something different you achieve nothing. I can't believe people still
bring up such topics.

Hey Jiri,

(Short question: with "ever", do you mean even contributing patches to
the Vala Project?)

Longer questions:  many thanks for your input. Sorry but it's the first
time I see someone mentioning that C# is *designed* to work under GC. I
mean, of course I knew it was, but I didn't know that meant for sure
that it cannot ever work with a reference counting approach. Can you
tell me the exact bits of the C# grammar that would disallow this? I
mean, what's the fundamental difference between Vala language and C#
language (note I'm not talking about runtimes here) in respect to GC?
Let me guess for a sec: are the keywords "owned" and "unowned" related?




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