Re: [Usability] Gome is Too BIG..

Luca Cappelletti wrote:
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:30 AM, PEDRO MACANAS VALVERDE <macanas_ped gva es <mailto:macanas_ped gva es>> wrote:
    We can begin writting a trivial user interface. Later it can be


I agree to start to study a specification from small devices and UMPC taking into account for example on how Ubuntu Mobile, Google Android, Palm OS, Symbian, Nokia Maemo, ... taste solutions and from that point of view discuss some ultralight gnome solution. With actual huge gnome interface and the next ultralight solution you can, one day, engage the middle solutions.

I am trying to work on platform independent solutions, but the Gnome HIG is a good start point.

I am working on the creation of an Linux UMPC project focusing on several cross-platform solutions to make applications more usable on Ultra Mobile devices.

So I hope to see a lot of discussion and usable results on these topics,

Kind regards,


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