Re: [Usability] Gome is Too BIG..

Hello Dario,

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Dokuro <dario soto gmail com> wrote:
hello everyone,
it has been a while now and it seems that Gnome has everything over
sized buttons, spaces, fonts, i can't put mi finger on it but on a
800x600 screen everything is always so big... i reduced the font size
from 10 to 8, it fixed things a little but almost all programs occupy

have you ever tried before to use or customize a gnome theme for your needs?
With a specialized gtk, icons and metacity theme you can reduce the window and it's content to the max.
Developing for UMPC require knowledge over what a HIG should offer and everything will be handled from the developer.
800x600 smells like eeePC so, depend of what application you mean, ie: I tested gedit and works well so I think after the right theme customization the rest depend on the application itself.
It would be very great if  one day gtk widgets acts like XHTML/XML+CSS autoadaptive fluid widgets..


Luca Cappelletti

Luca Cappelletti

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