Re: [Usability] Okay - Usability Problems

Um, I didn't realise that my tone was not measured.  I'll
add an emoticon next time.  Fsck.

Providing right click functionality within file open/save
does not lead to confusion for an ordinary user.

On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 05:46:22PM +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Sep 2007, Steeve McCauley wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but from a usability point of view, this is not a good
> > example of usability, especially for functionality that is inherent in
> > the api.
> Efficiency can be a part of usability but it is not the only factor,
> there are trade offs, and although it is important the primary
> concern is too keep things simple and easy to use in the base case.
> Perhaps some of the flexibility you desire can be provided without getting
> in the way or creating choices to confuse ordinary users but you should
> not make assertions like "this is an example of bad usability" only
> because it doesn't fit your specific use case.
> To put it as politely as I can.  No one is claiming the file chooser is
> perfect but unfounded assumptions are very unhelpful.  A more measured and
> moderate tone is also more likely to make people want to help you and see
> if your needs can also be accomdated and that is what you really want
> isn't it?
> -- 
> Alan
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Steeve McCauley                                      steeve oneguycoding com
Driving into Austin the house painter giving me a lift intoned, with a
grand sweep of his arm, "Welcome to the oasis in the cultural desert
that is Texas." -- Mr Speller

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