Re: [Usability] SoundJuicer "Submit Track Names" is unusable.

Kirk Bridger wrote:
> Ross has obviously made a programmatic decision to use MB rather than 
> freedb.  It seems to me that the best solution here would be to get MB 
> to update their submission interface to allow quiet submissions.  At the 
> very least they could update their submission webpage to accept default 
> information from a submitting application like SJ such that the track 
> and artist info etc is automatically populated.  But none of this has to 
> do with SJ.  SJ has to adhere to what MB provides.

I inquired on musicbrainz IRC, and they seem fairly open to providing
some method for submitting track listings.  The question seems to be,
"what does/do sj/clients-submitting-tracklistings want?"

Currently, sj hands off the hard work of submitting the track to the
browser (and that's probably as it should be); but, is SJ willing/able
to have anything more than dump a URL off to gnome_url_show() (e.g.
[somehow] send some POST information to the URL?

I was also told that MB does have an undocumented (and unstable, in the
sense of "might/will change") method for submitting track info via HTTP
GET.  Apparently it does tend to run into URL length limits though.

What would SJ like to see happen for this?

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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