Re: [Usability] SoundJuicer "Submit Track Names" is unusable.

Hi Rohan,

I haven't heard Ross Burton yet in this discussion, but I have heard you make some presumptuous (and insulting) comments about his motivation and general demeanor that, in my dealings with him, do not bear out. It would be best if we can focus on the issue and not the personalities involved.

Ross has obviously made a programmatic decision to use MB rather than freedb. It seems to me that the best solution here would be to get MB to update their submission interface to allow quiet submissions. At the very least they could update their submission webpage to accept default information from a submitting application like SJ such that the track and artist info etc is automatically populated. But none of this has to do with SJ. SJ has to adhere to what MB provides.

In terms of usability I think we've heard that in general there is consensus that the current submission system is less than ideal, whatever the reasons. Someone was kind enough to submit a bug that may help improve this situation (caching info locally).

If you are able to offer other solutions to the agreed-upon problem then bugzilla would be the place to provide those. If you want to discuss the usability of proposed solutions, then lets get to those comments.

Using freedb has already been discussed and it has nothing to do with usability. It is a solution that improves this situation but introduces other problems in doing so. Ross has decided to stick to MB and we should accept his decision and trust that he is doing what's best for SJ. If you disagree then I suggest you take it to bugzilla as a bug. The usability list is not the place to discuss the underlying programmatic decisions, generally.


Rohan Oberoi wrote:
That means lost
data.  They typed in the track titles, and it was lost, because the
developers were too arrogant to allow them the choice of having a
button that submits what they just typed in to freedb.  Leave the
choice for the user.  If they share your opinion about freedb they
won't click the button.

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