Re: [Usability] Removing GNOME splash screens?

Dnia 21-10-2004, czw o godzinie 15:05 +0100, Calum Benson napisał:
> Having said that, I do think it would be a shame to replace the main
> GNOME splash screen with an hourglass or a boring old progress bar...
> while the current progress icons are of limited use, I have to admit to
> always having a sense of anticipation when a new version of GNOME is
> released, to see what the new splash screen will be.  If every app
> provided its own new splash screen every release, new artwork just
> wouldn't be as rare and exciting an event  :) Plus you'd probably end up
> with a complete mish-mash of splash screen styles that did little to
> promote the idea that GNOME was a harmonious, coherent desktop
> environment.

Yup, agree here. There's a difference between individual apps having
splashes (which is IMHO redundant and kinda arrogant, since splashes
aren't unobtrusive) and whole GNOME having it. GNOME can afford having
unique and easily reachable indentification, and besides, it's only
_once_ per session, in time during which amount of other work that could
be done is zero. And yes, waiting for new splash is part of fun in new
versions :), and simply having nice image displayed is, well, nice.
Similarly to choosing pretty GDM theme, which theoretically shouldn't
matter at all


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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