Re: [Usability]Attempt at constructive criticism - "Why Gnome 2 sucks for me"

<quote who="Ali Akcaagac">

> my personal impression about gnome is that there are 2 camps working on
> it. those that have understood the situation and those that don't have
> yet. last named one are mostly the calm friendly fun people that you can
> have a talk with, that do things for fun. first named ones are those who
> follow other business related interests. those that shut down their head
> as soon as constructive critics come from outside. those that signed any
> contracts on other people's work for own profit.

You know, I do this for fun. Your continual flaming and joke assertions make
it less fun.

If you want to get involved, and would like people to listen to you
seriously, quit being a jerkoff. Right now, the crack and ignorance is on
*your* plate, and I for one am happy to ignore it.

- Jeff

    "Gah. Out of coffee. Shall think whilst auto-caffeinating." - Telsa     

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