Re: [Usability] My take on Nautilus must-fix proposal

On Fri, 2001-10-26 at 06:20, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> On 26Oct2001 12:57AM (-0400), Luis Villa wrote:
> > 
> > Not to target you specifically, maciej, but the admitted release of a
> > /slower/ 1.0.5 did not give me confidence that this was in fact the
> > highest priority. Hearing that it is in fact the highest priority is
> > reassuring.
> I think you are exagerating a bit. Right before the 1.0.5 release,
> Seth noticed that the cvs code was slightly slower than 1.0.4 on some
> systems (on others it was equivalent or a fair bit faster - we're not
> sure what makes the difference). However, before 1.0.5 was released,
> these problems were mostly fixed. 1.0.5 is a tiny bit slower to start
> up on some systems, and a fair bit faster on others.

On my PIII 700 last night it took 45 seconds to open a new window. I
have no idea if this is faster or slower than it was but it's horrible
:) I was basing my judgement merely on links I'd seen pointing to
commentary on the nautilus list.

> P.S. Is everyone on the usability list these days? And paying
> attention? How far we have come from the days of "take it to
> gnome-gui-list"...

I think there are many, many lurkers here :) Usability /is/ a
tremendously important list. Just not easy to get right...

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