Re: [Usability] Disclosure triangles

On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 10:36:20AM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > > A couple of people on IRC have mentioned the Windows-style "More >>"
> > > buttons, which would be regarded as disclosure buttons (without the elegance
> > > and lack of self-documentation that the triangle presents).
> > 
> > While I can't argue on the 'elegance', I could argue on the
> > 'self-documentation' aspect.  I find it easier to understand a "More >>"
> > button.
> My phrasing was less than stellar there. I meant that the "More >>" button
> was less elegant, and did not have the lack of self-documentation.
> Double negatives suck arse!

Ahh, my thinking is still czech, and in czech a double negative is still
negative.  For example: "Nobody wasn't there" is correct grammar in czech.
Maybe this is why there aren't that many czech speaking logicians.

> Perhaps it would be better as:
> +----------------------------------+
> | pr0n.mpg                         |
> +----------------------------------+
> |                                  |
> |  Downloading 4.9MB of 9.3MB...   |
> |                                  |
> |  +----------------------------+  |
> |  |###################|        |  |
> |  |###################|        |  |
> |  +----------------------------+  |
> |                                  |
> |  [ > Statistics ]                |
> |                                  |
> +----------------------------------+
> As a very simple, thinly raised button? If not, the arrow should at least
> show the depth of a button (kind of like the checkbox/optionbox on some
> themes).

Yeah, that is a lot better I think.  I think the argument of 'let's make it
hard to understand so that new users don't click it and get confused' is on
crack.  I mean, I might get just as confused as someone who is not a new

Such advanced things should still be understandable by humans, the only
reason for hiding them should be to reduce clutter so that you see the
important things first.


George <jirka 5z com>
   There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that
   which should not be done at all.
                       -- Peter Drucker

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