Re: [Usability] Ctl+W

On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 02:08:22PM +0000, Pete Setchell wrote:
> You can also use Ctl+U anywhere on the line, and Ctl+Backspace at the
> end of it. These are all Emacs hotkeys in action - they're going to be
> disabled by default in the future. 

I personally use <Esc>cc, but alas, it doesn't work (except for closing dialogs
and doing other fun stuff when trying to use a gui).  The thing is that there
will always be problems like these, but people do learn to live with them.  It
is probably easier for vi users since there aren't that many conflicting
keybidnings.  But emacs takes over just about every combination, meaning no
matter what you do you'll piss off at least one emacs user out there. (Not that
that's a bad thing mind you:)


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