Re: [Usability] Ctl+W

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Telsa Gwynne" <hobbit aloss ukuu org uk>
> Anyway, just another vote for "don't forget about those of us
> who have never *used* Windows!"

there are two problems as I see it:

- you can't please all people.
  (at least without making complex things underneat)

- current gnome users are *not* the target gnome users
  (at least if gnome want to reach more desktop share than 
  the current minimal niche)

to reach more desktop share you can:

1) bring gnome closer to what the *target* user expect
  (and like it or not, this means more or less 
   windows-like, as 90% of them use windows, and
   reeducating this kind of users is alot more
   expensive and complicated than reeducating geeks)

2) expect the target user to come closer to the
   more geek-friendly gnome.
  (seat down in a comfortable place, please)

of course, the people that /can/ do 1) are allmost 
all in the 2) position, and the people that want
1) can't code :) so we have nice circular


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