Re: CentOS5 RPM for sawfish?

On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 08:01:41AM +0200, Petter Gustad wrote:
> However, it's a stock CentOS
> 5.3 with the sawfish required tools installed from source in
> /usr/local

Nope!  I know from a personal experience that sawfish compiles, and
works, on CentOS without installing anything not in regular
repositories.  I ran quite a few versions of sawfish recompiled in
this environment (that means CentOS 4.x installations and later 5.y
for various x and y and I am quite sure that with older, still
supported, versions of CentOS that would be also a non issue).

You do not have to be for that a "CentOS expert".  Differences
between various Linux distros are really skin-deep.


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