On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Janek Kozicki
<janek_listy wp pl> wrote:
Scott will need to add a theme tab-capability checking. And if the
user decides to enable checkbox with experimental feature, he will be
informed if the theme is not tab-capable. As you said - the checkbox
can be grayed out if wrong theme is chosen. Or a dialog window could
appear, or sth else.
Un-tabbed themes do still work even if the feature is enabled, no need to check for that (in fact, better to have it for testing).
Maybe it could be better and easier to just have the tab-compatible themes in a separate directory and only load this directory when the feature is enabled. When the feature is disabled, unload it and change to a default un-tabbed theme.
Maybe there also could be a default tabbed theme to change when the checkbox is activated.