Re: Organizing sawfish SVN tree, working together.

 Janek Kozicki twisted the bytes to say:

 Janek> Timo Korvola said:     (by the date of Thu, 31 Jul 2008 22:49:32 +0300)
 >> Scott Scriven <sawfish-list toykeeper net> writes:
 >> > We can include things in svn which aren't part of the release 
 >> > tarballs.
 >> Or we could release a contrib tarball separately.
 >> > I'd like to allow more user-contributed pieces in a central 
 >> > location, but we shouldn't be maintaining the individual pieces.
 >> There is the wiki.  The question is whether we need better version
 >> control.

 Janek> In fact, the thing that concerns me most - is to provide a comfortable
 Janek> environment(*) for Scott to work on tabs in sawfish.

 Janek> (*) eg. a directory in sawfish SVN trunk, and feedback from users.

Why don't we use a branch for this and other experimental features?
The advantages of branches is that merging can happen in either

 Janek> Maybe we could just let Scott add his Tab related files to sawfish
 Janek> SVN, available for testing by everyone, and mark the feature as
 Janek> experimental? Doing so Scott would also add tabbed themes to /themes/
 Janek> directory.

 Janek> how do you think?

 Janek> -- 
 Janek> Janek Kozicki                                                         |

Daniel M. German         
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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