lookup.jl google and koi8-r

I've got a couple of simple questions about Sawfish and its Lisp

If I need a module, say lookup.jl I should

  (require 'lookup)

However, if I realize that the functionality provided by LOOKUP needs
some correction I open lookup.jl in an editor and make any
modification required. Now how I could tell Sawfish about the changes?
Or to reload the module lookup? At least 

  (require 'lookup) 

seems doesn't work. Restarting Sawfish entirely? e.g. quitting
X-session and starting it again? (The REQUIRE command is in my
~/.sawfishrc file). Is there a more convenient solution?

Does any documentation about PROMPT-FOR-STRING from
sawfish.wm.util.prompt exist anywhere? What code page does
PROMPT-FOR-STRING use for it's result? lookup.jl
(http://www.ewanmellor.org.uk/sawfish.html) uses PROMPT-FOR-STRING,
however, when I try something like

  (lookup "google" t nil)

and type Russian (koi8-r) word to the appearing prompt I got a

  Your search - фризия - did not match any documents.

waring in the web-browser Google's page. Of course if I type the same
search word in the web-browser (I'm using Mozilla-firefox), I get
plenty of results, and the search word doesn't at all look like that
funny character in the Google's excuse about "not match".

When I call 

  (prompt-for-string "Foo:")

in sawfish-client and type the same koi8-r word as before I get

  user> (prompt-for-string "FOO:")

What arrangements must be made to pass it properly to Google, causing
Google to interpret it as koi8-r word, not as don't-now-what ?

Vladimir Zolotykh

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