Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] [patch] Show window when not visible

On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 18:24, Rached Ben Mustapha wrote:

> Do we want a more fine-grained api ? eg. toggleRepeat() vs
> getRepeat()+setRepeat(boolean repeat).

It's up to you I guess.  I suppose that since we'll have to deal with
backwards compatibility from now on, it would be a good idea to make the
API as flexible as possible.  So we probably do want getRepeat+setRepeat
type things.

> Also, there is a slight problem with rb_shell_player_stop () that
> doesn't update the ui. Not sure if I should write a wrapper or if having
> stop () isn't worth it.

Try using rb_shell_player_set_playing_source (shell_player, NULL);

Your patch looks good otherwise.

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