Re: [Planner] Resource dependencies

The paradigm for resource leveling is to think of the activity as a box or 
container and the resources as solid cubes of dimension one unit - for 
convenience I think of these as res/act from the record names in p3. Manually 
it is convenient to print our a (large) time grid indicating the time, the 
activities in groups and the resources as short abbreviations (loading 
diagram). Programaticly the leveling just pushes everything forward against 
total float - like coins across the exchequer - using rules the scheduler 
must determine. Practically, only some resources are critical and when I 
level I choose only the most critical resources to level by computer. Just as 
the scheduling needs adjustment, so does the leveling, and having seen the 
computerized leveling I usually insert 'crew ties' for the critical resources 
and review using the loading diagram so i do not depend on the 'stupid' 
automatic process. Modern scheduling theory includes some sophisticated 
algorhythms (web search 'critical chain scheduling') but from what I can see 
all the fancy math seems just to choose the leveling rules for you.     

Registered Linux user #312657

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