Re: [Planner] Resource dependencies

PMW used a different model and maintained effort and duration separately - it didn't (at the time) have percentage allocation. For instance, imagine you had 2 6-hour tasks both allocated to the same resource. PMW would allocated 6 hours of task 1 and 2 hours of task 2 on day 1 and the remaining 4 hours of task 2 on day 2.

Although I prefer this method to percent allocations, I would suppose that it would be a big change for Planner to adopt this model.
Hmmm. This appears to be the same model. The Planner would do the same thing if the "Resource Units" were set to 100% (BTW, the Planner should label this column as %). It's just that the Planner offers to limit a resource to something less (or more for that matter) than 100% at a time.

That percentage figure reflects the Manager's directive to the resource to split his/her time. The planner would not be fiddling with these settings.

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