Re: [orca-list] Please test master in case I broke the universe

Can you pull master and re-test? Thanks!

On Mon, 2021-06-14 at 13:21 +0200, Hammer Attila wrote:


I used Ubuntu Mate 18.04, at-spi2 and ATK 2.32, and latest Master
Before the test, I launched Mate Terminal, speech echo and Braille 
presentation works right.

command and set debug level with full, I simple launch Pluma text 
1. Type l and s letters. This situation me braille display the
PROMPT not appears, so I not see my braille display the l and s
letters too.

2. Braille scrolling not working, when I pressed backspace key, the 
deleted character is not echoed.
Type back the s letter, and press ENTER key.

3. The ls command resuld Orca not spokened.
Use the described workaround, simple press the f10 key, and press
The prompt back my Braille display, scrolling working again, typed 
letters present my Braille display, key echo, deleted character echo 
works right.

4. Simple repeat the test.
Typed the ls command, press ENTER key.
file list result Orca speaks right.

In the terminal.out file Orca speaks pluma related information the 
2451th line, the ALT+f4 key press event happened with the 2567TH


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