[orca-list] Please test master in case I broke the universe

Hey all.

The subject is admittedly a bit more dramatic than called for, but it
got your attention, right? *grins*

Jokes aside, I made some changes today designed to cope better with
event floods. It doesn't make problems go away when apps are super
spammy, but hopefully it does make things suck less. But ignoring
events means there is a chance Orca might stop presenting something
that it should. I don't *think* that will be the case, but..... Insert
shrug here. I made the changes in small chunks so people should be able
to identify which commit broke something if there is indeed breakage.

I also filed a bug against at-spi2-atk in the hopes that maybe the
conditions in question could be detected before they ever get to Orca
via dbus. https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/at-spi2-atk/-/issues/18. We'll

As for Discord and server changes: I'm pretty sure I've done all I can
on the Orca side. I'll see if we can stop it properly on the Chromium
side this week.


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