Re: [orca-list] Preliminary braille "word wrap" support committed to master

Hello Chris,

Have you seen this?
I can remember you asking about braille word wrap for orca a few months ago. Are you on your linux desktops these days and can you please take it for a spin if you haven't already checked it?

Of course anyone is welcome to enjoy this new frequently asked for feature.

Thanks and greetings


2018-01-15 14:49 GMT+01:00 Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>:
Hey all.

I have just committed very preliminary braille "word wrap" support to
master. It seems to work both with and without liblouis. But I'm sure
there are things I didn't get right. For this reason, it is currently
just an "experimental" feature and disabled by default. To enable it,
you'll need to add it to your file:

import orca.settings
orca.settings.enableBrailleWordWrap = True

Hopefully it is in the ballpark of what you wanted. Please let me know.
Once the kinks get worked out, I'll add a GUI option and we can discuss
whether or not it should be enabled by default.

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