Re: [orca-list] laptop recommendations

Hi Nick, All.

I can confirm everything you wrote.
The only thing I would like to add is that Fedora has one problem that does not apply to Accessibility. I was not able to install "python-tesserwrap" (it's needed for such great things as "ocrdesktop" and "ocrpdf" that Chrys made). Also - in my opinion, in Fedora there are a few drawbacks; But I will not describe them, since this is only relevant for those with slow internet.

Nick Wood wrote:

I can't recommend any up to date hardware as my own laptop is about 4
years old, so I too would be interested to know what latest generation
hardware works well if anyone has any recommendations.

However, I can tell you what works for me regarding Linux and
accessibility in general:

I chose Fedora as my distribution.  I found the Debian/Ubuntu flavours
weren't quite bleeding edge enough for me, which is important with all
the advances in accessibility stacks. Yes you can add extra PPA's to
update bits but I just preferred the cleaner approach of having a more
modern setup overall.
Arch was a little bit too bleeding edge for me.  There are plenty of
users on here who use Arch and have no issues with it, but for me Fedora
was a nice middle ground between Ubuntu and Arch.

I don't use Speakup, but as far as Orca goes it is very actively
developed, as you will find if you stick around on this list.

I now use Linux (Fedora) with Orca as my main machine for my day job,
and spin up Windows virtual machines inside VMWare for the parts of my
job that require Windows.

It is a setup that (generally) works very well for me, as a totally
blind user.



On 01/09/17 07:03, Blee Blat wrote:
As the subject says, is there particularly well-supported hardware
that will run Linux. It's been awhile since  I've looked at this. What
is the current state of things? I'd stopped using it a bit ago,
because it looked like Speakup and Orca weren't being well maintained
but I'd like to run this again. I'm not really happy with the current
setup. I don't mind a lot of configuration or playing around with
things either. I'll probably run  arch or similar. What are people
using full time with reasonable success? I figure now is a good time
to ask since I'm looking for new hardware. Thanks for any information
you might have.

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