Re: [orca-list] audio ducking, good feature to have?

This is a good plan. After all, we need security at the API level. Right
now the accessibility stack basically lets everything through because it
was easier doing it that way than coding security and authentication and
accountability in and all that. I would argue that orca is one of those
privilaged apps though, since it is a screen reader. But I have a
compromise that might work, when this gets implemented, you've got
enough on your plate without dropping everything to work on my pet
feature, this isn't critical. Orca would need permission to mess around
with system files, but does speech dispatcher still support local config
files? That is, $xdgData/speechd.conf and so on? If so orca could
generate a speech-dispatcher config when the user changes settings and
store it there, since orca's settings are stored per user anyway. This
would mean that each user has his or her own settings. This is all
theoretical of course because this doesn't work yet, and the last thing
I want to do is to add to your workload. I wrote hear mainly to see if
other people thought audio ducking was a good idea, and I like the idea
of speech-dispatcher handling it.
Kendell Clark

Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 06:32:09PM AEST, kendell clark wrote:
I wonder. Could this speech dispatcher stuff be done through gsettings?
The plan is to move Speech Dispatcher to using GSettings, but Speech
Dispatcher may store client data another way, since I'd rather have apps
work with speech dispatcher via an API, and only privileged apps will be
allowed to work with client configs other than their own.

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