Re: [orca-list] Mate 1.12 accessibility

Thanks much, and sorry for posting my questions before I tried a couple of things. 
As you all may see I replied to my own question a bit, i.e. I did see what gksu offers one when run with out 
an option or argument.
I still have not run this where I know I have had problems and where I may, i.e. on my arch box running a 
custom GUI, and on mate on Vinux5 which is  an 
optimized version of Ubuntu trusty with three desktop options, unity, gnome and mate. I am writing this on 
the vinux box, but running unity at the 
Your message is clear to me now thanks to your update and my trial.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Lutz Kaiser wrote:
Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 10:26:37PM +0100

Hi B.h. and List,

sorry for beeing incomplete.
inside  the mate-terminal
 gksu <enter>
#you are now asked to enter a command like e.g. "gparted"
gparted <enter>
press 2x tab;
hit spacebar on "extended (in german erweitert)
1x press tab;
hit spacebar on something called reserve enviroment variables (in
german: Umgebungsvariablen erhalten)
tab to close, spacebar;
then tab to "ok" enter yor password, and the application will run as root,

Tested with Gparted, and Pluma;

I could not answer the other Questions.

Hope i could be a little bit of help
Lutz, begging for coffe too <smile>

Am 11.03.2016 um 19:38 schrieb B. Henry:
A couple of things.
First, please explain where you are entering these commands. Are you doing this from mate's run dialog, a 
terminal, or something else.
If I understand you the idea is to start gksu and then feed it a command, i.e. not do gksu someprogram or 
gksu --some-option somecommand as I have
almost always done.
The other thing, what does uefi have to do with this? Another poster said you can install arch to a uefi 
using system.
 This is very true, but is there any reason that this is mentioned in this thread?
Thanks, and if it's just my lack of coffee this morning making me slow feel free to tell me to grind some 
more beans.

End of quoted content

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