Re: [orca-list] Ot: does anyone have a certification from the Linux foundation?

The KNFB reader app can sometimes be used to read a computer screen. I've had some success doing that. I also have a license for TextDetective but I was never able to get it to read a computer screen. I keep a 4 inch c-clamp on my desk to use to mount the iPhone when I want to try to use the KNFB reader app to read a computer screen.

By the way, virtualbox has a feature that does a screen cap of a virtual machine which you can then feed to tesseract. Tesseract probably gets only about 50% of the characters correct but sometimes that is enough.

On 03/09/2016 03:13 AM, B. Henry wrote:
Actually, these days as long as one has the moneyl to get a relatively good phone checking for what is and is 
not lit up may be doable using the phone's
camera, and a light sensing ap.
I do not know if apps exist that can tell you the color of an led or not, but they should if they do not.
Of course simple stand alone light sensors have been on the market for years and can be built by anyone with 
a very basic understanding of how to
connect electronic components.
I have heard that taking pics of a screen can give good enough input for OCR in many cases, but do not have a 
phone that can do this kind of thing at
the moment due to lack of funds, but want to get one and see how good a job one can do reading things like 
bios screens, and error messages on screen
when there is no speech.
Sighted help will usually be faster and easier, but there are certainly times when no one is around or 
available and it is nice to be able to continue
work even if it is a bit of a pain.

John Heim
john johnheim com

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