Re: [orca-list] Could you extend the say all function ?

On 04/19/2016 03:29 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Alex.
Hi Joanmarie!
The say-all-by unit is the chunk of text sent to speech-dispatcher and, as a result, is where the pauses wind up. So say all by word will cause say all to become extremely choppy. I don't think you want that.
We expect a specific function that will manage the punctuations. It will be extremely useful for some visual impaired to be able to have the caret that move on each words even if it make the reading more slowly. If Orca check if the last character of each word is a punctuation it can decide to make a little pause.
That's up to you. The ideal situation is that Orca plays nicely with other tools, like magnifiers and reading tools which highlight words; not controls those tools. So if you want to make a stand alone tool, that would be appropriate and would allow you to proceed. You could even send what you want spoken to speech-dispatcher (i.e. Orca doesn't need to be involved). If, having made such a tool, you find that Orca is doing something that interferes with your tool, then please let me know. --joanie
Sure, we also expect that but my question is : do we have the position in pixel of a word to implement such a feature ? Does AT-SPI provides this information ?

Best regards.


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