[orca-list] Problem brailleview in Libreoffice (Writer)

Hello everyone,
I got a very strange problem in LibreOffice Writer. I use a braille display that is configured by Orca's BRLTTY-support. When I copied a text from the web, or when I open a document with text that is already typed, or when I make a new text, the brailledisplay shows a lot of unwanted, special characters. The speech speaks the text out correctly!

When the eSpeak engine says
"Programming in C++", the brailledisplay shows
"Programming in C" and then a variety of characters without any information. It don't show always the same characters, but it varies from letters with accents to numbers and special characters such as ^[ $ ] * £ ` µ... This is very unreadable and this problem must be solved befor tomorrow (wednessday 20 April 2016 11h brussels time)! Can anyone help me please!
Thanks in advance!
Greetings, Jordy D

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