Re: [orca-list] Orca isn't reading header levels in PDF documents

Hey Jason.

Actually, no. The point was that heading information of tagged PDFs is
not being exposed to Orca. The fix will likely need to be made in
Evince. (There's a chance it needs to be made in Poppler instead, but I
won't know until I dig into it.)


On 04/16/2016 11:44 AM, Jason White wrote:
Germano Corrêa <germanobruscato gmail com> wrote:
Hmmm, right. Do you know any other linux PDF reader which have things like
headers and lists exposed to Orca as such?

I think the point was that the PDF file isn't tagged. If the PDF document
isn't tagged, headings and other elements can't be exposed to screen readers
by PDF viewing applications.

A quick way to find out whether a PDF document is tagged is to run the pdfinfo
command on it.

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