Re: [orca-list] skype replacement

Freeswitch sounds awesome. Once I catch up on some things, I may try
running it myself.

It totally amazes me what we can do with VOIP these days. I can
remember when I was offered a SIP box from Earthlink about 10 years
ago. That thing was awful. I mean just calling a phone through it,
there was a ton of delays and echos and all kinds of bad stuff. But
then again, just about everything VOIP was a bit rough at that time.
These days, SIP, WebRTC and Mumble are all much better than the
proprietary choices, depending on what you want to do with them. SIP
and WebRTC can be used for both audio and video calling, as well as
chat/conference rooms. Mumble is not necessarily the best for private
conversations where you ring up a person and they answer the call and
talk with you, but it is really good for conferencing and podcasting.
Sent from my peanut gallery

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