Re: [orca-list] Eclipse is getting even worse

On 11/10/2015 02:56 AM, Jann Schneider wrote:
@Joanie: exactly. I tried orca -l when running eclipse mars vs. eclipse luna:
- when running luna orca prints out "Eclipse"
- when running mars it prints out "swt"

So they will have to set the accessible name of the window right?

From what you are saying, right.

José seems to be getting different results, so I'm a tad curious as to
why you guys are getting different results. But in the spirit of
enabling you to work: Share your results above with the Eclipse
developers. Tell them that all Orca -l does is as the AT-SPI2 registry
for the list of known applications. And the AT-SPI2 registry is under
the impression that the name is "swt". Furthermore, the Eclipse
developers should hopefully be able to verify this without Orca, by
launching Eclipse and then launching Accerciser and viewing the list of
accessible applications by name (in the tree on the left-hand side of


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