Re: [orca-list] victory! Linux mint to ship orca by default

Lol the victory was mostly because for years and years the main
developer,  can't spell his name at the moment, was refusing to add it.
And I went onto their channel and asked and he agreed immediately.
Kendell clark

On 11/05/2015 04:50 AM, Tony Baechler wrote:

Yes, OK, I agree that choice is good.  The more choices the blind have,
the better.  However, I don't get the point.  I'm really dense I guess,
but the "victory" escapes me.  Why not just install Ubuntu MATE
instead?  I'm glad to see Orca being shipped by default and I appreciate
your efforts in this area, but as you say, Cinnamon still needs work. 
Yes, it's good to see it shiped with the MATE edition, but for someone
doing a new install, I don't see the advantage.  In the case of a
sighted person having already installed it and a blind person wanting to
use it, Orca is only a package installation away, of course assuming the
sighted person wants to install the package. Will Orca actually be
installed by default?  Ubuntu ships thousands of packages, but most of
them are not actually installed when the system is installed.  If Orca
is actually installed as part of the base desktop system, that truly is
a victory and I'm very happy to see it.

Cinnamon is already packaged in Debian and Ubuntu for those who want to
try it.  In my opinion, I would rather see accessibility effort spent on
improving Cinnamon since it's widely available in major distributions
without installing Mint.

One thing I failed to mention in my last message is I do like their
podcast.  They seem to be very proactive about getting new users.  As
discussed here a while ago, there is a serious need for Linux tutorials
and podcasts.  That need isn't just for the blind, it's for the sighted
as well.  It's hard to find current (current emphasized) podcasts for
the sighted community which are for new users.  Ubuntu is very good in
this area, but I think Mint is better.  That's probably why it's so
popular.  It's interesting that it apparently doesn't ship Gnome.

On 11/5/2015 2:38 AM, kendell clark wrote:
Well as said in my email, cinnamon still needs quite a bit of work, it's
definitely not ready for the average blind user yet. But clem is also
adding orca to the mate version, and that's a different story
altogether. I'm not completely sure what's so compelling about mint but
it is popular, so we should be able to use it just as effectively as the
sighted people do.
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